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Profile V2

HIST 205 Medieval Europe

This course guide will help you locate primary and secondary sources to use in your assignments.

In addition to keywords, try these subject searches.

Christianity and other religions -- Islam Islam-- Relations-- Christianity Carolingians -- Conduct of life Architecture, Carolingian
Art, Carolingian Great Britain -- History -- Angevin period, 11154-1216 Military art and science - Europe -- History -- to 1500 Church history -- Middle Ages, 600-1500
Friars -- Early works to 1800 Monasticism and religious orders -- Early works to 1800 Scholasticism Plague -- History -- to 1500
Black Death - Europe Papacy -- History -- 1309-1378
Avignon Papacy
Hundred Years' War, 1339-1453
France -- History, Military -- 1328-1589
Great Britain -- History, Military -- 1066-1485    


eBooks and Journal Articles

In addition to searching for books and journal articles in the library catalogue you may want to search specific databases. 

Visual Sources

For a list of additional primary sources, see the Medieval (500-1400) World History section on this subject guide. 

Evaluate Your Sources

Evaluate the books, journal articles, and images you use in your assignments. The first source you find isn't always the best source to use in an academic assignment. For books, journal articles and websites, see Evaluating Information 

For images, consider the following questions:

  • Where did you find the image? Who is the owner of the image?
  • What information is provided about the image? Is it enough to create a citation?
  • When was the photograph taken?
  • Why was the photograph taken?
  • Is it a good quality image?
  • Does the image speak directly to your topic, or does it just look nice?

Cite Your Sources

At MacEwan, Chicago Notes-Bibliography Style is typically used in Humanities classes (e.g. Classics, History, Philosophy). Be sure to verify with your instructor which style to use.

The image you want to find might not include all the elements required for a complete citation. In that case, include as much as information as is available. More information on citing images using the Chicago Style is provided by Simon Fraser University Library

Licensed under CC BY-NC | Excludes website content where the Library is not the copyright owner.