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MacEwan Digital Exhibits & Omeka S

Profile V2

Workflow Overview

A detailed workflow of typical exhibition production in MacEwan Digital Exhibits:

Requests MacEwan faculty or staff member (aka Project Lead) requests account to create an exhibit using the MacEwan Digital Exhibits Request Form
1-2 weeks

The Scholarly Communications Technician receives form request at and forwards to the librarian overseeing MacEwan Digital Exhibits.  

The librarian reviews the request, contacts the Project Lead if needing any clarifications, and schedules a 1-hour online training session with the faculty member, any collaborators indicated in their request, and the Scholarly Communications Technician. 

Prior to the training session, the Scholarly Communications Technician:

  • creates the site and applies standard site admin and theme settings
  • creates an item set for the site
  • adds users and assigns roles, adds to site, assigns item set, and applicable resource template


During the 1-hour training session, the librarian and Scholarly Communications Technician will answer any questions or concerns and go over the:

Building the exhibition

Project leads and collaborators are responsible for:

  • adding items, pages, blocks, and additional item sets (optional)
  • ensuring item and page visibility are appropriately set as public or private
  • configuring Site Admin, Theme, and Navigation settings as desired
  • adding banner and site thumbnail
  • completing Pre-Publishing Checklist

Site settings can be changed at any time by the Project Lead or the Scholarly Communications Technician upon request. We can also provide assistance with minor CSS customizations to design elements that adhere to the adopted site theme.


When the Pre-Publishing Checklist is completed and the site is ready to be made public, the Project Lead emails The Scholarly Communications Technician scans the exhibit to ensure requirements covered during training and laid out in the MacEwan Digital Exhibits Terms of Use have been followed and follows up with the faculty member or escalates to the Librarian overseeing MacEwan Digital Exhibits as needed. 

The Scholarly Communications Technician makes the work public, adds the exhibit to the MacEwan Digital Exhibits site, and notifies the Project Lead. 

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