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ASA Citation Guide (6th Ed.)



*See also: Articles and Everything Else (for social media, government reports, etc.)

Webpage with an individual author:

In-text: (Crossman 2020) 
Reference entry:

Crossman, Ashley. 2020. "Definition of the Sociological Imagination and Overview of the Book."


Webpage with an institutional author:

In-text: (Department of Justice Canada 2017)

Department of Justice Canada. 2017. "The Youth Criminal Justice Act Summary and Background." 

Document found on a website: 

*If a source does not include a publication date, put N.d. for "no date."

In-text: (Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime N.d.:4).
Reference entry:

Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime. N.d. "Criminal Harrassment."

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