Physical copy:
In-text: (Lunny 2017:34).
Reference entry:
Lunny, Allyson M. 2017. Debating Hate Crime: Language, Legislatures, and the Law in Canada. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
With a digital object identifier (DOI):
In-text: (Ross 2016:11).
Reference entry:
Ross, Lynda R. 2016. Interrogating Motherhood. Edmonton, AB: Athabasca University Press.
Without a DOI - from a database:
In-text: (Chi-ang and Zheng 2017:65).
Reference entry:
Chi-ang Lin, Brian, and Siqi Zheng. 2017. Environmental Economics and Sustainability. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Without a DOI - free online:
In-text: (Little 2016:482).
Reference entry:
Little, William. 2016. Introduction to Sociology. 2nd Canadian ed. Victoria, BC: BCcampus.
Edited Books
In-text: (Daniels, Gregory, and Cottom 2017:45)
Reference entry:
Daniels, Jesse, Karen Gregory, and Tressie McMillan Cottom, eds. 2017. Digital Sociologies. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Chapters in Edited Books
In-text: (Tveit 2017:115).
Reference entry:
Tveit, Anne D. 2017. "Parental Involvement in School: Applying Habermas’ Theoretical Framework." Pp. 109-21 in Habermas and Social Research: Between Theory and Method, edited by M. Murphy. New York: Routledge.
Editions of Books (e.g., Textbooks)
In-text: (Powell, Honey and Symbaluk 2016:130).
Reference entry:
Powell, Russell. A., P. Lynne Honey, and Diane G. Symbaluk. 2016. Introduction to Learning and Behaviour. 5th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Chapter in an edition of a book:
In-text: (Wadeson 2001:310).
Reference entry:
Wadeson, Harriet. 2001. "An Eclectic Approach to Art Therapy." Pp. 306-318 in Approaches to Art Therapy: Theory and Technique, edited by J. A. Rubin. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge.
Canadian edition:
In-text: (Smith and Sansom 2014:12).
Reference entry:
Smith, Christopher, and Karen Sansom. 2014. How to Prepare for the GED Test. Canadian ed. New York: Barrons Educational Series.
Translated Books
Translated Book:
*This example includes the year the work was originally published in square brackets.
In-text: (Fortunati [1981] 1995:62).
Reference entry:
Fortunati, Leopoldina. [1981] 1995. The Arcane Reproduction of Housework, Prostitution, Labour and Capital. Translated by Hilary Creek. New York: Automedia.
Encyclopedia & Dictionary Entries
*Well-known encyclopedias and dictionaries (e.g., Merriam-Webster) are normally cited with a note in the text and do not need an accompanying reference list entry.
Online entry:
In-text: (Kendig 2010).
Reference entry:
Kendig, Sarah M. 2010. "Adolescent Sexual Health." Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by G. Ritzer and J. M. Ryan. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Physical copy:
In-text: (Rogers and Pemberton 2005:273).
Reference entry:
Rogers, Mary F., and Jennifer Pemberton. 2005. "Feminist Epistemology." Pp. 271-275 in Encyclopedia of Social Theory, edited by G. Ritzer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Artists' Books
Formally published:
In-text: (Pei 2003:3).
Reference entry:
Peters, Sarah. 2003. Necessary Disclosure. Rosendale, NY: Women's Studio Workshop.
*If self-published, use n.p. for no publisher.
In-text: (Ayotte, 2020:7).
Reference entry:
Ayotte, Zachary. 2008. I With You Were Here. Edmonton, AB: n.p.