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ASA Citation Guide (6th Ed.)


Course Materials

Note: Verify with your instructor that it is OK to cite course materials in an assignment. 

Class Lecture Notes

Lecture notes written during class:

These are typically considered personal communications and are not included in the reference list. This information can be cited in the text or in a footnote:

In text: In class we learned that ". . . " (Dr. Joanne Burns, personal communication, March 21, 2022).
In a footnote: Dr. Joanna Burns, course lecture notes taken by the author, March 21, 2022.
No reference entry


Lecture notes posted online:

*Include a URL if the notes are posted freely online or available to the audience reading the work (e.g., an instructor who has the notes posted to their course management site). 

In text: (Williams 2022:5)
Reference entry:

Zyla Williams. 2022. "Feminist Approaches to the Economy."  Lecture notes. 


PowerPoint Slides & Handouts


Materials posted online:

*Include a URL if the notes are posted freely online or available to the audience reading the work (e.g., an instructor who has the notes posted to their course management site).  Otherwise, cite as a personal communication in text or in a footnote (see above). 

In-text: (Cogswell 2019:2).
Reference entry: 

Cogswell, Thomas. 2019. "Theories of personality." PowerPoint presentation.



Readings Compiled by an Instructor


General guidelines for course packs and course resource lists: 

  • If the source of an individual published reading such an article or book chapter is clear, cite it as a standalone source. 
  • If unsure what the source of the information is, ask your your instructor.
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