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Course Resource Lists

This guide provides information about MacEwan University Library's new Course Resource Lists system.

Accessing Your Migrated Lists

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to: 
  2. Select Log In from the top menu 
  3. Type in your name in the search box, or click on Browse courses 
  4. Select the relevant Faculty or School, Department, Course, and finally Course section. 

Don’t see your Course Resource Lists? Contact

Creating a New List

  1. Go to My Lists, click on Create new list (button on the right hand side of the page)
  2. Use the following naming convention to name your list:
    4-letter-course-code + course-number + section + semester + course title 
    e.g., “ENGL 104 AS02 Fall 2022 - Narrative Across Media”  

Adding Resources

Use the Talis Extension in Chrome to quickly add online resources to your list.

  1. Go to Chrome Web Store 
  2. Enter Talis in left-side search box; Select Talis icon; Select Add to Chrome
  3. You should now see the Talis Extension at the top right
  4. If you don't see the Talis Extension:
    • Select Extensions (puzzle piece icon)
    • From extensions list you should see the Talis icon
    • Select the Pin icon; you should now see Talis at top right of your browser. 

Next: Follow the instructions on Using Talis Extension.

The Add Resource tool in Course Resource Lists is less effective than the Talis Extension in Chrome, and does not consistently pull resources from MacEwan Library collections. We are working with Talis Aspire, to improve the Add Resource tool functionality. 

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