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Course Resource Lists

This guide provides information about MacEwan University Library's new Course Resource Lists system.

Installing & Using Talis Extension

Install and use the Talis Aspire Extension tool to easily capture resources for your lists.  

Adding Talis Extension

Step-by-step instructions

Instructions are for Chrome. Download the Chrome Browser here.

  1. Go to Chrome Web Store 
  2. Enter Talis in left-side search box; Select Talis icon; Select Add to Chrome
  3. You should now see the Talis Extension at the top right
  4. If you don't see the Talis Extension:
    • Select Extensions (puzzle piece icon)
    • From extensions list you should see the Talis icon
    • Select the Pin icon; you should now see Talis at top right of your browser. 

Using Talis Extension

With the Talis extension added to your browser, navigate to the resource you wish to add to your list.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. From your browser, navigate to the resource (Library record, PDF article, eBook, webpage, YouTube video, etc.)
  2. Click on the Talis Extension at the top right of your browser
  3. From the editable Bookmark record that opens, select Create & Add to List
  4. From the pop-up window select list and location options, then select Okay
  5. If you navigate back to the relevant Course Resource List you will see the item

Note: For Library eBooks and eBook chapters you will need to ensure that the MacEwan licensed copy is set as the default. 

Licensed under CC BY-NC | Excludes website content where the Library is not the copyright owner.