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MLA Citation Guide (9th ed.)

Short Stories and Literary Essays

Short Story (Print Publication) 

Example: Johnston, Aviaq. "The Haunted Blizzard." Taaqtumi: An Anthology of Arctic Horror Stories, compiled by Neil Christopher, Inhabit Media, 2019, pp. 1-9.
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, contributor, publisher, publication date, location. 

Literary Essay (Print Publication) 

Example: Lewis, C.S. "The Alliterative Metre." Selected Literary Essays, edited by Walter Hooper, Cambridge UP, 1979, pp. 15-26.
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, contributor, publisher, publication date, location. 


Short Story (Digital Publication) 

Example: Allegra, Donna. "The Dead Mother's Club."  Telling Moments: Autobiographical Lesbian Short Stories, edited by Lynda HallU of Wisconsin P, 2003, pp. 75-86, ProQuest Ebook Central,
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, contributor, publisher, publication date, location. 


Literary Essay (Digital Publication)

Example: Wandler, Cynthia Scott. "Wonderberry Jam." The Hopper, 2016,
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, publication date, location. 

Scholarly Articles

Scholarly Article (Print Publication) 

Example: Cervone, Daniel, et al. "The Individual STEM Student in Context: Idiographic Methods for Understanding Self-Knowledge and Intraindividual Patterns of Self-Efficacy Appraisal." Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 112, no. 8, Nov. 2020, pp. 1597-1613.
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, version, number, publication date, location. 

Scholarly Article (Digital Publication in a Database) 
Note that scholarly articles published only digitally are different from print articles which can be accessed in a digital version, as in the example below. 

Example: Foster, Meg. "Bandits, Heroes and Villains: A View from a Settler Colony." History Compass, vol. 22, no. 5, 2024. Wiley Online Library,
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, version, number, publication date. Database, location.

Magazine Articles

Magazine Article (Print Publication)

Example: Klemetti, Erik. "Earth's Core is Changing." Discover, Jan.-Feb. 2024, pp. 42-43.
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, publication date, location. 

Magazine Article (Digital Publication) 

Example: Mwai, Kui. "Why so Many People (Myself Included) are Experiencing Family Estrangement." Vogue, 2 May 2024,
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, publication date, location. 

Newspaper Articles

Newspaper Article (Print Publication)

Example: Dey, Esha. "Tesla Valuation 'Detached From Reality' as AI Competitors Prove Credentials." Edmonton Journal, 4 May 2024, p. NP7.
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, publication date, location. 

Newspaper Article (Digital Publication) 

Example: Singleton, Aaron. "Opinion: What the Alberta NDP needs from its next leader." Edmonton Journal, 3 May 2024,
Elements: Author. "Title of source." Title of container, publication date, location. 
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