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Physical Education and Health

Profile V2

PERL 204 Library Session

Students will be assigned one of two sample topics: (1) Edmonton Grads & (2) Harry Jerome.

Topic 1The Edmonton Grads

Topic 2: Harry Jerome


  • To prepare for either option, skim both encyclopedia entries above. 
  • While reading, consider possible answers to: "Why is THIS topic important/interesting for understanding sports history?"

In groups of 3, brainstorm on your topic using the following prompts: 

  1. Why is your assigned topic important or interesting?
  2. What are some angles through which to explore your topic? 
  3. What are some keywords that might pull up resources on your broad topic and these angles?

Tip: The fewer words per idea, the better! (keywords are like tags)

Secondary Sources

  • Describe, discuss, interpret, comment upon, analyze, evaluate, summarize, and process primary source material. 
  • Written/produced after the fact -- with the benefit of hindsight!
  • Include books, articles, documentaries, & more.

Search Tips:

  • If you have a specific name or concept, try searching it by itself!
  • Try out different keywords and combinations of keywords (broad and narrow)
  • Use search tricks: 
    • Connect ideas: olympics AND injuries
    • Search for specific phrases: "cold war"
    • Used wildcard to search different forms of a word: canad* or sport*

NOW: Practice searching for topic-related secondary resources in Main Library Search & SPORTDiscus.

Primary sources

  • First-hand testimony or direct evidence
  • Created by witnesses and recorders who experienced the event(s) or condition(s)
  • Often created at the same time as the event/condition but include later-recorded recollections/perspectives

Search Tips:

  • Start simple (e.g., simple name searches = people or place names, specific event or sport names)
  • Narrow dates to the time period of interest
  • Follow-up on leads from secondary materials (e.g., does an article share a newspaper headline? does a documentary share a live-reporting clip?)

NOW: Try searching your topic in the two resources below (Library & Archives Canada / Globe & Mail)

For a wide range of primary source databases (e.g., human rights, gender & sexuality, Indigenous):

Screenshot of library databases narrowed to Primary Historical Sources

MacEwan's Canadian History Subject Guide

Find additional primary and secondary sources on MacEwan Library's History Subject Guide - Primary Sources tab - Canadian History.  

Newspaper Archives


Many libraries and archives have digitized their primary document collections. You can find primary document collections on the internet by adding keyworks like "primary documents" or "primary sources" to your search. Remember to critically evaluate all of your primary documents before using them in your sport history paper.

Suggested Databases

Selected Library Resources

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