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Child and Youth Care

Profile V2

Therapeutic Activities Collection

Therapeutic activities in child and youth care work are structured interventions designed to support the emotional, social, and psychological well-being of children and youth.

These activities aim to build trust, enhance self-esteem, develop coping skills, and foster positive relationships. They often incorporate creative and engaging methods such as art, music, play, storytelling, mindfulness, or outdoor activities. Tailored to individual needs, therapeutic activities help address trauma, manage stress, and encourage healthy expression of emotions in the provision of care and support.

This collection is located on the main floor of the library in Building 7. Browse ONLINE or in person, finding them on the bottom shelves of two long bookshelves across from the print room. The games may be borrowed for four weeks by those with a MacEwan Library Card. 


Some sample searches for activities centered on the following topics:



Interpersonal Communication



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