Contains academic journals, books, and primary sources in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
Access: Access limited to Grant MacEwan University IP addresses. Remote login with a MacEwan network user ID and password. Conditions of Use: Use of this database is restricted to members of the MacEwan University community and to users physically present in the Library. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this database for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
Provides access to digital images with descriptive information and software tools designed to enhance teaching and learning. The ARTstor digital image library documents architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, and design as well as many other forms of visual culture across many time periods and cultures. The digital images are derived from publishers, photographic archives, slide collections, museums, and individual scholars.
Access: Access limited to Grant MacEwan University IP addresses. Remote login with a MacEwan network user ID and password. Conditions of Use: Use of this database is restricted to members of the MacEwan University community and to users physically present in the Library. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this database for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
Comprised of Grove Art Online, the Benezit Dictionary of Artists, and other reference and image resources.
Access: Access limited to 11 simultaneous users and Grant MacEwan University IP addresses. Remote login with a MacEwan network user ID and password. Conditions of Use: Use of this database is restricted to members of the MacEwan University community and to users physically present in the Library. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this database for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
Credo provides access to subject specific dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference materials on a variety of topics and supports the development of information literacy skills through instructional articles and videos.
Coverage and Currency: 1999 to present Access: Access limited to Grant MacEwan University IP addresses. Remote login with a MacEwan network user ID and password. Conditions of Use: Use of this database is restricted to members of the MacEwan University community and to users physically present in the Library. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this database for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
Art, Design and Architecture Collection Comprises four databases that, together, create an interdisciplinary collection of journals, books and periodicals in fine art, design, and culture, broadly speaking. The databases are ARTbibliographies Modern, International Bibliography of Art, DAAI: Design and Applied Arts Index, and Arts & Humanities Database.
Contains journals, images, magazines, and ebooks focusing on fine art, decorative and commercial art, and architecture. Also includes subjects like film, photography, museum studies, and archaeology, as well as Indigenous and non-Western art.
Coverage and Currency: 1915 to present Access: Access limited to Grant MacEwan University IP addresses. Remote login with a MacEwan network user ID and password. Conditions of Use: Use of this database is restricted to members of the MacEwan University community and to users physically present in the Library. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this database for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
Contains academic journals, books, and primary sources in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
Access: Access limited to Grant MacEwan University IP addresses. Remote login with a MacEwan network user ID and password. Conditions of Use: Use of this database is restricted to members of the MacEwan University community and to users physically present in the Library. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this database for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
This full-text magazine archive presents full-colour research materials on art and architecture between the late 19th and the 21st century, including the topics of decorative arts, interior design, industrial design, and photography.
Coverage and Currency: 19th to 21st centuries Access: Access limited to Grant MacEwan University IP addresses. Remote login with a MacEwan network user ID and password. Conditions of Use: Use of this database is restricted to members of the MacEwan University community and to users physically present in the Library. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they use this database for individual, non-commercial, educational or research purposes only, and do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.
Library Catalogue
Keyword examples - use a template for forming keyword searches
By Theme: feminism in art ; feminism art ; ecology modern art ; gender in art
By decade: art 1920's ; broader: art 20th Century
By stylistic period: art deco ; fauvism ; surrealism ; art brut
By artist name + criteria: Claude Cahun history ; Claude Cahun interpretation ; combine both: Claude Cahun (history OR interpretation)