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A research guide to support research and writing for Psychology students

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Tests & Measures

Many tests are  proprietary and as a result access to them is restricted. Often psychology tests can only be administered by someone who is authorised and trained. If you are looking for a particular test and finding it difficult to locate, it may be that you have to pay for access to the test questions and answer key. The Mental Measurements Yearbook can help you find answers and reviews to psychological tests..

To search the Mental Measurements Yearbook, follow the instructions in the image below.


Mental Measures Yearbook

Research Methods

Finding Test Reviews in PsycINFO

Search by test name or its acronym, "thematic apperception test" or TAT  for example. If needed, add other search terms such as test reliability, interrater reliability, statistical significance, statistical reliability, test validity, statistical validity or test standardization to the search. 


To search for Tests & Measures, follow the instructions as shown in the image below. 

PsychInfo and Test Searching

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