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Political Science

Profile V2

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Policy Transformation in Canada: Is the Past Prologue? an ebook by edited by Tuohy, Borwein, Loewen, & Potter. 

HillNotes - blog from the Library of Parliament that provides analysis for parliamentarians and summaries on current and emerging issues. 

Learn more: Policy analysis and research

Research Publications - reports and legislative summaries from Library of Parliament. Legislative summaries are summaries of proposed bills and are stated as if they had been adopted. Note: bills may be amended and have no effect unless they are passed and come into force.

Government of Canada search - information from the government, add the word policy or consultation to your search; for example: opioids policy

Canada Commons (Canadian Books & Public Policy) - books and reports from scholarly and Canadian publishers, think tanks and policy groups. 

Canadian Public Policy - foremost journal for research and analysis of economic and social policy.


Think Tanks and Research Institutes

Canadian Think Tank Search Engine searches the websites of Canadian Think Tanks including reports and publications. 

Think Tank Index Reports from Think Tank and Global Societies Program, University of Pennsylvania



The phrase "government policy" or "law and legislation" works well for finding policy research and analysis. Here is an example of a search:









Use the power of Google search to look for information within the Government of Canada site:


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