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This page features article databases specific to Sociology, including:

For more, visit Find a Database.

Database Search Tips:

  • "Quotes" for phrases/titles:
    • "social media" "Presentation of Self in Everyday Life"
  • AND for different concepts:
    • racism AND Indigenous AND Canada
  • OR for similar concepts/synonyms:
    • teenager OR adolescent OR youth
  • Asterisk (*) for truncation:
    • feminis* = feminist feminis

Example: Canad* AND "racial bias" AND (universit* OR college)


Need a Specific Article?

Try searching for it by title in the main library search or use the Find by Citation tool. 

Sociology Databases

Interdisciplinary Databases

Citation Indexes

Citation indexes allow you to explore who has cited whose work overtime. This strategy can help you determine what research has and has not already been done on a given topic. Simply search for an article by title (or enter keywords on your topic) in each of the options below and look for the "Cited by" or "Citations" option for each search result.

Access Google Scholar content off campus: Go to: Google Scholar > Menu (top left corner) > Settings > Library Links and search for MacEwan then save.

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