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Artists' Books

Works of art inspired by the form or function of the book


Artists' Books on Display

Ed Ruscha 

Twentysix Gas Stations by Ed Ruscha

Ed Ruscha (roo-SHAY, born December 16, 1937) is an American artist. He is connected to pop, conceptual, modern and contemporary art movements. He has a background in graphic art that is evident in his interest and use of typography. His artists' books are well-known and express his passion for words as art. 


Ed Ruscha: The tension of words and images 
In this brief recording Ruscha discusses his interest in typography and words overlaid on typical American landscapes (Tate, 2013). 

Periods by Ed Ruscha
Periods by Ed Ruscha 

Honk by Ed Ruscha

Honk by Ed Ruscha

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